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Testers Keepers: Samsung Galaxy Note 9 review by Sean Sands

Posted on 30 July 2019

Wow I had no belief in humanity but it seems that I was a tiny bit wrong. You are so honest and I am very willing to tell the world.

The Galaxy Note is my new bird and I got a plus and was so happy with it. But Samsung you have blown my mind and I think ‘why would anyone want an orange’, oh sorry an apple – ha.

This phone has a bit of an overheating problem; it didn't even get room temperature – five stars Samsung.

The camera is a little better; I’m still learning how to make me handsome. Any tips on this Samsung? This phone is so good that my aunt has pinched it off me.

I’ve had a Samsung phone in my pocket for 20 years now I think. This is a game changer and you should be so proud of your products, especially the Samsung Galaxy Note.

When you hold it without the protective cover you feel as if you are on the top of the world.